Wireshark-users: [Wireshark-users] [HITB-Announce] #HITBSecConf2018PEK Call for CTF
From: Hafez Kamal <aphesz@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 19 Sep 2018 23:35:55 +0800
JD-HITB2018 Beijing CTF + Finals of the 4th XCTF International League (XCTF Finals 2018) will take place on the 1st and 2nd of November alongside the first-ever HITB Security Conference in Beijing! Participate and stand a chance to win cash prizes worth up to USD 2000, sponsored by DarkMatter!

The competition is co-organized by XCTF League and HITB and will be a mixed-style CTF competition, that includes both Jeopardy style challenges and an attack & defense service segment for teams to play with. Accepted teams must either be invited or qualified based on previous XCTF League or CTFTIME ranking.

The contest is hosted on-site utilizing the CP-OJ and CP-AD Contest Platform developed by Cyber Peace Technology, China. Challenges are authored by blue-lotus CTF Team - the initiator of XCTF International League, as well as some hackers from The Order of the Overflow (New Lords of DEFCON CTF), PPP (one of the greatest CTF Teams on the planet), and of course the HITB CTF Crew.

For the on-site game, we have a capacity for 30 teams (no more than 4 players per team). 18 teams have already pre-qualified through qualification contests and 6 international teams have been pre-invited according to the ranking list of CTFTIME 2018.

The game will run for 30 hours over the 2 days of the conference (1st & 2nd November starting at 09:00 BJT and ending at 18:00 BJT on Day 1 and restarting on Day 2 at 09:00 BJT and ends at 17:00 BJT). This includes both a one-hour lunch break and hardware hacking break. The onsite contest will be hosted in the FREE TO ACCESS CommSec area of the conference. You do not need to be a paid conference delegate in order to compete. We're looking to host an additional 12 CTF teams, please send a registration email with your team name to hitbpek-ctf@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx. We will approve the registered teams and send out invitations. Please send us the following details:

- Team Name + Country of origin
- Team Leaders Name/Handle + Email Address
- Team Members Names/Handle + Email Address
- Past CTFs that your team has participated in and your final ranking/score (links where appropriate)

For more details: https://conference.hitb.org/hitbsecconf2018pek/capture-the-flag/

Hafez Kamal
Hack in The Box (M) Sdn. Bhd
36th Floor, Menara Maxis
Kuala Lumpur City Centre
50088 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603-26157299
Fax: +603-26150088