Wireshark-users: Re: [Wireshark-users] Max. MBit/sec ?
You can read it from the graph, just look for the highest point ;-)
Alternatively use the "Copy" button and use your awk (or perl or sort) to find the sample with the maximum value.
Regards, Martin
On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 12:24 AM, János Löbb
<janos.lobb@xxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi Martin,
I am collecting 540000 packets before I stop the capture. That is about 3 minutes, or so. The .ksh file on Aix 5.3 is this:
. $HOME/.profile
export DHSM=`date +%Y_%m_%d_%H`
tcpdump -c540000 -ien8 -w/tmp/tcpdump$DHSM.pcap host sequoia and not bml0028
the bml0028 machine is my Mac from where I ssh to the sequoia box.
The IO Graph has to do some calculation similar to (bits(t+dt)-bits(t))/dt where t is a given time and dt is a chosen time interval to provide a meaningful result. Of course I can awk the result and collect how many bits were transferred back and forth via the pipe in a given time interval - let say 1 second - and calculate the "velocity" of the bits at that particilar time of the capture, but IO Graph is already doing it, so I do not want to reinvent the wheel.
So the question is if I can tap into and get the Maximum bit rate for the duration of the capture.
Thanks a lot,
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