Wireshark-dev: Re: [Wireshark-dev] Programming against WireShark pcap processing engine
From: Abhik Sarkar <sarkar.abhik@xxxxxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 13 Mar 2011 15:31:55 +0400
Hi Per,

It you can see SMIL decoded in Wireshark or JPEG data, then there should be a corresponding element in PDML as well. You will also need to use the "Decode As" option in tshark in case the MMSC is using a non-standard port.


On Fri, Mar 11, 2011 at 5:08 PM, Per Steffensen <steff@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Thanks for you anwser, Abhik. I will consider your suggestion about exporting to PDML. Didnt even know that there where such a thing.

As I understand you, tshark is able to do this for me and include e.g. full SMIL and images. As I understood another answer to my question, tshark is not able to extract "content" (like SMIL and images). Does anyone know which one it is - is tshark able to extract "content" for me or not? If it is then I might be able to live with using tshark, even though is sounds more correct to me to integrate via API with the engine instead of integrate by calling command-line stuff.

Regards, Per Steffensen
BTW: Does anyone know how to easily reply to posts from the digest mails I get from the mailing list. I do something stupid like constructing a new mail with the same subject (prefixed with Re:) and doing the quoting manually. But I not sure that it even ends up in the right "thread" that way, and I am sure that it is not able to figure out exactly which prior post I am anwsering and therefore where to put my new post in the thread-tree

---- quote -----

How about exporting the captures to PDML format and then parsing the output
XML in Java? I know it is CPU intensive and the PDML files could become
quite large, but each layer (SMIL/images etc) would appear as separate
entities and by doing some searching you might be able to extract what you

You could first use Wireshark to export to PDML file just to see the format
and understand if it is worth it. Then you can call tshark later to do the
conversion for you automatically.


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