Want to spend some summer time[1] on Wireshark coding but don't know where to get started?
Here's a nice, not too difficult project for you.
Nowadays we see more and more the broadcasts as attached. Currently it's decoded as plain Data, which it obviously is not, it's readable text!
A quick peek at the IANA port list shows it's Dropbox LanSync Discovery.
So here's the project: Create a dissector for the Dropbox LanSync Discovery protocol
There are some rules to it:
- Make sure to follow the Guidelines in doc/README.developer etc.
- It has to use either the tvbparse API or ptvcursor API.
- The code needs to be created against the trunk, not 1.0, 1.2 or 1.4 stable branches.
- It needs to be submitted as a build in dissector.
- The code needs to be 'GPLv2 or later' licensed.
Extra credit can be earned for adding hooks for dissection of Dropbox LanSync Protocol.
Submissions are to be entered through the Bugzilla database, before September 15th, 2010, marked with 'db-lsp-disc:' in the title.
They will be graded by the core developers, at an unspecified moment in time, based on totally arbitrary rules, on which no communication is possible. Their decisions cannot be discussed, challenged or otherwise discarded.
The Price you ask? Well, it's an volunteer Open Source Software project, so you will be entered in the Hall of Fame, called AUTHORS. If that's not good enough for you, you might want to reconsider if you want to commit to this OSS project.
Feeling up to it? Well then: Ready, Get, Go!
[1]: I know it's winter time in the southern hemisphere, but solstice has come and gone, so quit whining. You can join in anyway. 
Dropbox LanSync Discovery
Dropbox LanSync Discovery
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€SÿD\D\ Ÿ:Ú{"host_int": 11577481, "version": [1, 8], "displayname": "Wireshark!", "port": 17500, "namespaces": [10745892, 10850202, 10128433, 10748574, 10954871]}