We had a user complain about one of our (private) dissectors
not working. I wanted to verify my understanding of what we see…
In my plugin registration I use:
dissector_add(“tcp.port”, EPS_PORT, eps_handle);
EPS_PORT is our registered port, 3567.
The reported behavior is that a TCP session from port 2424
-> 3567 was not using our dissector. As it turns out, 2424 is registered to
TPNCP in packet-tpncp.c. This leads me to questions about the prioritization
given to different dissectors. Could someone in the know enlighten me?
Q: Does “dissector_add” differentiate between src
and dst port? [I think not, the registration is by name and the dissector (TCP)
chooses how to use it.]
Q: Does wireshark prioritize between built-in vs. plugin
dissectors? [I think not.]
Q: Does wireshark prioritize between dissectors based on
matches on src vs. dst port?
My fundamental issue is that I would expect that priority be
given to the dissector on the *server* (dst) port, as it is the more likely
to be standardized vs. ephemeral.
As a sanity check, disabling the TPNCP protocol and
reloading the trace file correctly uses my dissector for the traffic in
Thanks for your answers…



Panasonic Electric Works Laboratory of America - SLC Lab
4525 So. Wasatch Blvd., Suite 100, 84124
Salt Lake City, UT 84124

T 801.993.7124
F 801.993.7269
Bryant Eastham
Chief Architect