Ethereal-users: Re: [ethereal-users] Re: Request for a Plugin for ethereal

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Dragos Ruiu <dr@xxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Tue, 22 Aug 2000 13:11:38 -0700
I can save you some time with the ICQ protocol.  There is a page
dedicated to specifications of it at:

It's great stuff... kudos to the maintainers.


On Tue, 22 Aug 2000, Guy Harris wrote:
> This should be sent to "ethereal-users@xxxxxxxx", not just to me;
> Ethereal isn't *my* program, I'm just one of the developers, and not
> even the person who originally created it (that's Gerald Combs).
> In any case:
> > I have thought up a new wish list feature for ethereal.  With the
> > newly added packet decoding features you have added (you rule!), it
> > would be great to have a plugin that understood certain protocols and
> > depending on what they are or the data the contain interact with the
> > desktop in live action.  For example, it would be nice to have a plugin
> > called like LiveChat that decodes and displays all AIM (AOL Instant
> > Messaging) that is going on on the line.  It would show converstation to
> > from etc.  Perhaps show what users are viewing on the web for
> > monitoring? Play that mp3 that someone is ftping across the line.  I
> > understand that each item would have to be setup indendently and alot of
> > protocol knowledge would be needed? Could we try it for AIM though? It
> > would be great fun.  I am gonna start looking at the packet make-up
> > tomorrow! I hope they don't encode the info! Knowing AOL, we are
> > probably safe!!!
Dragos Ruiu <dr@xxxxxxxxxx> ltd. / - we're from the future 
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