Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Ethereal 0.10.1 / Solaris9 / HPUX11: Build stopped with "Make

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Thu, 19 Feb 2004 21:56:51 +0100
Falk Hayn wrote:

Dear ladies and Sirs,

the build of Ethereal 0.10.1 on  Solaris9 and HPUX11 stopped with
"Makefile.common" messages.
The messages on both platforms look very identical, so I guess that this
is a global / platform independent problem.

All prior version of ethereal completed the following steps:

Configure Phase:
./configure > configure.results 2>&1

Make Phasis
make > make.results 2>&1

Ethereal 0.10.1 did not.

I checked the dev mailing list and found no solution to this issue, only
hints that there was work in progress with the Makefile.common topic in January
of 2004.

A workaround to let the build proceed was to set in ethereal0.10.1/gtk:
ln -s ../Makefile.common Makefile.common

But this workaround let to other problems, so I guess that the right file
ethereal0.10.1/gtk/Makefile.common is not included in the distribution

Do not hesitate to contact me, if You have further questions
With kindly regards F.

Did you checked:

Regards, ULFL