Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] packet-tds.c patch / [off-topic] - a unified diff tool for Wi

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From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Sun, 01 Feb 2004 17:36:36 +0100
Yaniv Kaul wrote:

This patch to packet-tds.c (over CVS nightly tarball from Jan20) adds dissection to result token, login_ack token, corrects a small bug in the login packet dissection and a partial dissection to query packet.
Q - I'm trying to set up a complete work environment on Win32. I've 
managed to get the CVS client but I'm having problems getting a diff 
tool that will create the unified diff. Any suggestions?

I'm using the diff tool from the cygwin environment (see, you can get it there as a big package along with lot's of other gnu tools like bash, make and such.
You will get a whole complete unix tools environment to work with.

That's including currently the gnu make verision 2.8.4 and working just the way it should.
As parameters I'm using -u for unified diff, -r for recursive when 
diff'ing dirs and -x when excluding specific files (e.g. -x *.obj)
As Cygwin is a lot if stuff to download, you may try the GnuWin32 
collection on,
which offers some of the basic tools as seperate packages. I never used 
these ones myself.
BTW: If you like to have a graphical Diff/Merge tool for Win32, try 
WinMerge from as thats the 
best one around IMHO,
a lot better than some of the other tools around.

BTW: As your talking of the CVS client, are you using the command line one, or the GUI one, WinCvs on ?
Regards, ULFL