Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] Save dialog, packet range proposal implemented

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Ulf Lamping <ulf.lamping@xxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 07 Jan 2004 01:15:54 +0100
Hi List!

I've just checked in the changes at the Save (As) dialog range frame, I've proposed some days ago.
Things left to think about:
a.) the Displayed button will not be made insensitive in any case, as this will make the tooltip unavailable. b.) do we really need the "From first to last marked packet" row? I fear this isn't very intuitive and
can also be done using the "Specifiy a packet range" row.

Things left to do:
h.) Calculate the number of packets in the "Specifiy a packet range" row, currently only showing '?' i.) Recalculate all counts and such, if the user changes something (mark a packet, set a filter, ...) in the main window j.) Put the number of the selected packet in the "Selected packet #10 only" row. I didn't find a simple way to change the label while
keeping the mnemonic key (the underscore)
k.) double check the labels and tooltips texts by a native english speaker :-)
l.) code cleanup, when things above finished

Need some comments on this,

Regards, ULFL