Ethereal-dev: Re: [Ethereal-dev] Saving all packets between the first and the last marked pack
Just to share with you the current status concerning the opportunity for
improvement in the Save As functionality.
I set out the suggestion about the save from first marker up to the last
marker and got back several useful suggestions. The many people the many
idea's. In particular I have seen many suggestions/requests in the area
of the range to be provided manually.
The current status is :
- Wrote a parser function to accept ranges as proposed. Examples :
1-10,30,20-40,200 or -10,30,20-40,150-
- Made this robust in the way that it ignores strange input like double
comma's or ranges in the opposite way ( 30-20,,#%10 internally
translates to 10,20-30 )
- Using the Print As look alike requirement, I set all the radiobuttons
in a range frame and ordered as such.
- The range entry becomes active and focussed as soon as the associated
radio button is selected
- Introduced acceleration for the different radio buttons.
- Used balloon help for the range entry which gives an example.
- I did not yet add the information about how many packets are to be
saved as what the Print As widget currently brings.
- Developed under Linux, so I do not have an idea about the
functionality or successful compilation on the other OS's arround.
The main changes are in file.c, and gtk/file_dlg.c by adding the
required parser function and range check function.
After thoroughly testing I would like to submit this code within two
days for evaluation.
Attached a screen shot of the Save As, as it is currently coded.
- Dick Gooris