Ethereal-dev: [Ethereal-dev] EAPOL / EAP

Note: This archive is from the project's previous web site, This list is no longer active.

From: Yannick Koehler <yannick.koehler@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
Date: Wed, 06 Feb 2002 16:33:02 -0500
I just updated to ethereal 0.9.0 to get the EAPOL parsing correctly identifier inside ethereal and found that the EAP part has a bug.
It says that the EAP Authentication = 4 is 'One Time Password' when in 
fact that's value 5.  The value 4 is 'MD5 Password'.
All this can be seen inside the EAP RFC
Section 3

3.  Initial EAP Request/Response Types

   This section defines the initial set of EAP Types used in
   Request/Response exchanges.  More Types may be defined in follow-on
   documents.  The Type field is one octet and identifies the structure
   of an EAP Request or Response packet.  The first 3 Types are
   considered special case Types.  The remaining Types define
   authentication exchanges.  The Nak Type is valid only for Response
   packets, it MUST NOT be sent in a Request.  The Nak Type MUST only be

   sent in repsonse to a Request which uses an authentication Type code.
   All EAP implementatins MUST support Types 1-4.  These Types, as well
   as types 5 and 6, are defined in this document.  Follow-on RFCs will
   define additional EAP Types.

      1       Identity
      2       Notification
      3       Nak (Response only)
      4       MD5-Challenge
      5       One-Time Password (OTP) (RFC 1938)
      6       Generic Token Card


I'm not a member of the list, so reply to me directly or just fix the bug for next release ;-)
Yannick Koehler