The following will give you a simplified overview of Wireshark’s function blocks:
The function blocks in more detail:
Handling of all user input/output (all windows, dialogs and such).
Source code can be found in the ui/qt directory.
- Core
Main "glue code" that holds the other blocks together. Source
code can be found in the root directory.
- Epan
Enhanced Packet ANalyzer — the packet analyzing engine.
Source code can be found in the epan directory. Epan provides
the following APIs:
Protocol Tree. Dissection information for an individual packet.
Dissectors. The various protocol dissectors in
Dissector Plugins - Support for implementing dissectors as separate modules.
Source code can be found in plugins.
Display Filters - The display filter engine at
- Wiretap
The wiretap library is used to read and write capture files in libpcap,
pcapng, and many other file formats. Source code is in the
wiretap directory.
- Capture
The interface to the capture engine. Source code is in the
root directory.
- Dumpcap
The capture engine itself. This is the only part that executes with
elevated privileges. Source code is in the root directory.
- Npcap and libpcap
These are external libraries that provide packet capture
and filtering support on different platforms. The filtering in Npcap and libpcap
works at a much lower level than Wireshark’s display filters and uses a
significantly different mechanism. That’s why there are different display and
capture filter syntaxes.